wtorek, 1 grudnia 2015

The short-term exchange of groups of pupils

The short-term exchange of groups of pupils-16-21 November 2015

The four groups of pupils from Polish, German, Turkish and Dutch schools  met in a Polish school in Juszczyna. They all participated in different kinds of activities organised for them within the Erazmus+ project:”Live Healthily in a Healthy Environment”. The students took part in some additional lessons like: Biology, Physics, Chemistry, English, PE, Geography and in the workshops connected with healthy diet, physical exercises, environment protection and  efficient learning.

 38 students and 8 teachers went on a few educational trips. They visited Hydro-electric Power Plant in Międzybrodzie and Żar, the Waste Recycling Company” Beskid” in Żywiec, the Bread  Cottage in Górki Małe, Chocolate Manufacture in Kraków and the Forestry Management Educational Centre in Węgierska Górka.

 The short-term exchange of groups of pupils has given them a lot of advantages.

Students gained knowledge of different sources of energy during the Physics lessons and knowledge of harmful effects of burning rubbish for the environment.

During Biology lessons and workshops connected with a healthy lifestyle and the environment they learnt about healthy diet, healthy types of physical exercises and natural world protection. Later  they were drawing and painting their posters, which advertise and propagate the project issues.

Geography lesson gave them more information about partner countries and English lessons let them revise and add more vocabulary joined with healthy lifestyle and the environment.

The efficient learning workshop enabled them to get known some efficient methods of self-learning, which is so important in getting good education.

Students were playing sports games in the international teams during PE lessons, which allowed them to learn cooperation and tolerance to each other.

The educational trips were the most interesting for all the partner schools students as they had a lot of opportunities to use and practice English and getting knowledge outside the school walls.

The first trip was connected with the Physics lesson as it showed them an alternative source of energy, which is produced in the hydro-electric power plant in Międzybrodzie. The students saw a multimedia presentation about the plant and the way, in which the energy is made.

The international group of students and teachers outside the hydro-electric power plant

They were excited about  travelling by the cable railway to the top of the Żar Mountain, where the artificial lake had been designed in order to supply the plant with the water..

While they were coming back, they stopped in Żywiec to visit the Recycling Company, where they saw how the workers divided the waste into separate groups, how much rubbish people throw away each day and how important is recycling for the environment being clean and its protection from contamination and pollution.

The students participated in the workshop in  the Chocolate Manufacture in Cracow and they made different shapes from chocolate and listened to the lecture about its history. They learnt about  chocolate  ingredients and production process and  its healthy  aspects. After visiting Chocolate Manufacture they went to do some sightseeing around the oldest parts of the city, which are connected with history of Poland.

                                                  The chocolate workshop.

On the 19th November the international group of students and teachers went to the Forestry Management Educational Centre in Węgierska Górka. The forest manager gave them a lecture  about forests, which grow in Żywiec and Silesia Regions and his employee took them on a short walk  along the educational forest and nature path to explain the tasks, which are done by forests and how important they are for people, plants and animals.

The international group of students are ready to plant trees outside the school building.

On the 20th November pupils and teachers went to Górki Małe, where they saw the old-fashioned tools and machines, which were used in the past and participated in the workshop. They were making cheese, bread and butter on their own. They learnt about bees’ lives and importance of them for growing plants  and for all the world.

Their stay in Bread  Cottage finished with having homemade healthy bread with honey and butter, which they had made. They got some  coffee with milk too.

There was a very important meeting on the 20th November evening as the mayor and a representative of the Local Council came to meet with the foreign guests and their hosts. The headmistress of the nearest primary school took part in  the meeting as well.

The meeting started with multimedia presentations, which were prepared by foreign students, who showed the pictures of their schools and gave some information about them. After the Power-Point presentations the local folk band „Grojcowianie” gave a wonderful performance with dances and songs. A lot of members of the folk band are the Polish students and they invited their foreign guests to dance with them after the official part of their show.

In the end of the meeting all its  participants were having a special supper, which the cooks from the Village Women Organisation prepared and served. The meal  included some  homemade and regional dishes.

The stay of the partner schools’ teachers and students finished on the 21st November when they left for their countries.

The short-term exchange of groups of pupils was successful as all the planned events and tasks were done and completed. It was possible because of all Polish teachers, students, their parents and other school employees engagement and help.

  Partner schools students after the art workshop.
            They painted and drew some posters in order to propagate the project issues.


                                                                                                 Maria Zaor

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