niedziela, 6 grudnia 2015

Healthy lifestyle-English lesson

Lesson’s script: Healthy Lifestyle                                                    Juszczyna 16.11.201   

According to the project:”Live Healthily in a Healthy  Environment”                                         

Additional lesson done during the short-term exchange of groups of pupils from Polish, German, Dutch and Turkish schools in Gimnazjum z Oddziałami Dwujęzycznymi in Juszczyna.
The main aims of the lesson:
-learning vocabulary connected with a diet, food, drinks and healthy activities(physical exercises),
-development of the skills at reading comprehension, expressing opinions and discussing the mentioned issues above,
-learning how to cope with a stress and manage the time.
The other objectives:
-increasing the knowledge of healthy diet and healthy lifestyle,
-taking advantages of working in an international group,
-comparison of different opinions and ability of drawing conclusions.

Types of work:
-team work,
-individual work.

Materials and equipment:
- texts connected with healthy diet and lifestyle,
-a computer,
-a blackboard and colorful chalk,
-tables with vocabulary.

Methods: communication, translating, task-based language learning.

Parts of the lesson:
1)Welcoming, introducing and checking the list of the students.
2)”Brain-storming”: finding the suitable words for the topic.
3)Filling in the tables with international meanings of the topic words.
4)Reading the text:”Bad Habits” and discussing the reasons for the diseases.
5)writing down the healthy activities: walking, running, climbing the mountains, cycling, skateboarding, skiing, playing volleyball, football and basketball, taking part in sports competitions.
6)Define “lifestyle”.   A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people's health and well-being,


7)Homework: Answering to the survey questions.

The survey:
1)How often go out to do physical exercises?(underline)
every day    often     once a week    once a month    hardly ever       never
2)Do you do any sports? Why /why not?
 3)Do you attend PE lessons? If not, why?
4)How do you usually spend your free time?(underline)
-meet my friends,
-play computer games,
-watch TV,
-listen to music,
-chat on line,
-play sports,
-walk or climb the mountains,
5)Do you eat breakfast at home?(circle)       Yes                    No
6)How many meals a day do you eat?

 7)What is your favourite food?

 8)What drinks do you prefer?
-juice made at home,
-juice bought in a shop,
-milk or diary liquids,
-cola or pepsi,
-coloured drinks.
9.Have you ever learnt before about healthy lifestyle? 
 Yes                                               No
10)Are you going to follow the advice connected with a healthy diet?
Yes                                                     No





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