niedziela, 21 maja 2017

The programme of Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils in Uetze in Germany

                                                          Uetze, February 2017

Live healthily in a healthy environment
C6: school education, short-term exchanges of groups of pupils from 13th March 2017 to 18th March 2017 in Uetze / Germany    
13th March
14th March
15th March
16th March
17th March
18th March
Meeting at School (main entrance) at 9 am
journey to Berlin
meeting at 6:45 am

everyday life in schools of Germany
zoo visit in Hannover
meeting at the station
Burgdorf  8:45 am
Dedenhausen 8:35 am
workshops at school

3rd lesson
Welcoming and guided tour by the principal
visit of the German “Bundestag“ and “The Museum of Natural Science, Berlin”

sitting in on classes until the 5th lesson
guided tour and rally (topic “species protection“)

workshop A
“Healthy cooking“

meeting students

4th / 5th lesson
“An icebreaker game“
 & a joint lunch in the canteen at 12:15 am

free time in Berlin midtown
    joint lunch in the canteen at 12:15 am

01:30 pm
vertical gardening
 in the atrium

1:00 pm
joint lunch in “Meyers Hof” (restaurant)
workshop B
 “Natural cosmetics”

workshop C
„Everything about potatoes“

spending time with the host families

learning about life in host country and eating habits
afternoon is off
4:00 pm
line dance workshop
4:00-5:30 pm
in the gymnasium

departure in the afternoon,
maybe free time in Hannover
joint meeting in the canteen 5:30 pm

Please ensure you have meals with you!

Please ensure you have smth. to drink and snacks!
Preparing salads & finger food for the buffet

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