wtorek, 29 marca 2016

Workshops at the Dutch school

The fourth day-Tuesday-15th March
We were taking part in the presentation on the healthy aspects of using a schoolyard  done by Dutch teacher, Mr. Onno Oord. Before the presentation, all participated teachers  went around the school building and checked the ground there, they drew their signs expressing their “likes” and “dislikes” after seeing the schoolyard. After coming back they put the cards with their opinions on the blackboard. The Dutch teacher read out their opinions and presented different ideas of students, teachers and architectures, who designed  a new  look of the schoolyard.

                                                     The workshop with Mr. Onno Oord

After lunch we went to the Veenhuizen Museum, where we took part in making homemade cheese workshop. Our guide and trainer involved us into making cheese. It was a very interesting experience. We spent there all the afternoon but we got the cheese which we had made.

Our trainer explained us what we should do

                                                         There is the cheese which we have made

                                             There were a lot of shelves with the ripen cheese
While we were travelling back we noticed that the canals are located along the roads and they are not fenced from them and you must drive carefully if you do not want to cross the narrow line of the grassed stripes and go into the canal.
There were old houses and each of them had its name written high on the front wall.


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