czwartek, 29 grudnia 2016

Poster "And you have an impact on the purity of the air we breathe!"

Due to  information from the WHO (World Health Organization) that Zywiec is the most polluted town of the European Union, our school joined the action to stop  burning garbage in domestic heating systems. In this way we want to contribute to better quality of the air in our area.
The garbage burning is still a big problem in our beautiful region. During the heating season you can often not only  see from the chimneys but smell  burning rubber or other garbage.
           Our school announced a contest for a poster titled "And you have an impact on the purity of the air we breathe!" The students have done over a dozen posters The best poster was chosen. It was  the work of Klaudia from class III a 
as it depicted the problem in the most interesting way.
Students' posters

The best project

The  frame containing information about our project Erasmus +  "Live Healthy in a Healthy Environment" was added to it. The poster was printed in 15 copies and arranged on information boards in the community Radziechowy-Wieprz.

Posters on the information boards

We hope that through this poster we will get to a wide number of people and convince  them that they also have an impact on the surrounding air.

poniedziałek, 5 grudnia 2016

Erasmus+ Project Results Platform

Erasmus+ Project Results Platform

This database will give you access to descriptions, results and contact information of all projects funded under the Erasmus+ programme and its predecessor programmes in the field of education, training, youth and sports. 

here is the link for our project,


sobota, 12 listopada 2016

Some impressions of the students visit in Assen

 Live Healthily in a Healthy Environment  

Students Exchange Assen 5-12 November 2016

We started on Monday.
We changed the train about 4 times, all in all the trip was about 6 hours long. When we arrived at the train station, a teacher and an exchange-girl were already there.
After walking about 15 minutes, we first met our exchange-students. We arrived at school. It's a very big College, also it's very modern. After  the headteacher and the English teacher had said hello , we went to our "new" home by car. The afternoon was free for the family.

The next day, we had workshops at school. We talked about environment, had a city-bicycle- tour, built solar mills, made presentations about smoking and all this of course in English.

Wednesday we visited Amsterdam.
First we visited a very old and small city, Zaanse Schans. We stopped on the dike and looked a statue from a very famous person: Dr. Lely, who designed the Deltaworks. Finally we arrived Amsterdam, first we got the chance to see the science-museum Nemo (It looked like a ship).
Then we went to a boat to get to know Amsterdam by a boat. After this we got 40 minutes freetime. We drove back to school.

Thursday we had a bicycle-tour. Personally for me it was hard, because I had to go to school by bike as well (50 minutes!). In the afternoon we prepared healthy and international food. In the evening(18:00) we had dinner at school. It was very cool, because there you could talk to each other and become friends with them.

Friday we go to Wildlands Emmen, it's like a zoo. The people told us (in English of course) something about the animals. The tour guide was very interesting. When going in the animal-houses, it was like being in an another world. At 15:10pm we go back to the bus and drove to school. The evening we got freetime with the family: I cooked, together with Roy, Pizza. In the evening I first celebrated Sint Maarten, it was very nice.
In Germany we would say, that it is a mix between Halloween and Laternenumzug: The kids go to the house sing a special song and get sweets. The supermarket is a part of this celebration as well. They don’t get only sweets: they get little gifts as well. In the Netherlands it takes place for the little kids (~Grundschule and lower). The celebration can be compared with a black (!) Nicolaus. The little brother of my exchange-student joined it with a sheep-latern. It looked very cute.

Today is Saturday, time to say goodbye. It will definitely be hard, but it's nice to know, that they'll come to Germany in March.

By Erik Schuman

Students visit Assen

Erasmus + “Live Healthily in a healthy environment”           Students visit Assen 5-12 November 2016
Saturday 5 November:
arrival of Polish students at railway station Assen (late afternoon)
Sunday 6 November:
Arrival of Turkish students at railway station Assen (late afternoon)
Monday 7 November:
Polish and Turkish students attend regular classes with their host students
arrival of German students  railway station Assen 12:57
afternoon: meeting at school: matching activities
15.00 meeting all teachers at school Penta
Tuesday 8 November:
8.15 all teachers at school ask pupils about experiences
8:30 welcome by director Mr. den Hollander
9.00-16.00 uur workshop carousel at school,  topics: environment/health
Workshops 1: Why is our environment in danger? DVD and assignments
Workshop 2: Solar Energy, build your own solar device
12.20 healthy lunch at school
Workshop 3: make and present Powerpoint on harmful effects of smoking;
!Students collect and bring facts from their own schools:
% of smoking students and teachers in their classes, school policy on smoking
Workshop 4: safe cycling in the Netherlands
17.30 dinner in Assen
Wednesday 9 November:
8:00 at school, departure by bus to Amsterdam (departure at Sligro)
10:00 Zaanse Schans
12:00 Amsterdam: visit Science museum Nemo
Lunch for teachers at Nemo
14:15 tour of Amsterdam by boat
15:15 walking tour in Amsterdam
17:00 departure
±19:30 back in Assen, dinner at home
Thursday 10 November:
9.30-13.00 cycle tour to National Park “Drentsche Aa”
13.00 lunch in Assen
Students prepare international healthy dinner at home
18:00 Dinner at school
Friday 11 November:
9.00 Visit Wildlands Emmen (departure at Sligro)
12.00 lunch for pupils and teachers in Wildlands
16.00 Back at school (Evaluation of visit on the bus)
Saturday 12 November:

Departure of students

poniedziałek, 31 października 2016

A Seminar on Obesity and Healthy Diet

A Seminar on Obesity and Healthy Diet

We invited a dietician to our school to give  information about Healthy Diet on 26th of October.

She gave a lecture on obesity , adequate and balanced nutrition and Physical activities. Our students learnt we need nutritions from  four different food group for a adequate and balanced nutrition. According to WHO, world health organisation, Physical Inactivity causes the death of 1.9 million people all around the world each year.So, physical exercises are necessary for our body. And Sugar and salt must be reduced in order to avoid many diseases such as high blood pressure, cardiac and kidney diseases.

niedziela, 2 października 2016

The Open Day in Juszczyna

The Open Day in Juszczyna


On 19 September 2016 in Zespół Szkolno-Przedszkolny in Juszczyna teachers and students organized  “The open day” of the project “Live Healthily in a Healthy Environment”. 
Throughout the day, students from primary and secondary schools were able to see photos presenting the current project activities. During the breaks the slide show of the project meeting photos was presented on the school corridor. The most popular were activities connected with students  " Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils in Polish and Turkish schools".

In the afternoon there was a parent meeting, during which the head teacher and the coordinator informed about  already completed project activities and presented the plans for the next school year. Parents viewed the photos and a slide show and have the opportunity to familiarize with the content of articles that appeared in the local press in connection with the implementation of the project. 

niedziela, 25 września 2016

The Third Project Meeting

                                                                     The schedule for the third project meeting
                                                              in Assen- a Dutch school-dr.Nassau College Penta

1.Introducing the new partner schools’ teachers, who had come to the meeting.
2.Presentation of the 2015/2016 school year completed project tasks by each partner school.
3.Presentation of the timetable planned for the following school year 2016/2017.

The activity
The responsible people for the activity
The teacher staff meeting to discuss the project issues.
The teachers are informed about the planning  project work.
1.Arrange the plan for the project needs.
2.Assigning the project tasks to the teachers.
3.Recreating the project’s teams:
-coordination and administration,
- evaluation,
-gathering the project’s materials
-translating(for the blog and  eTwinning needs),
-to keep documentation and publication materials about project’s events.
All the school teachers.
A coordinator and a head teacher
An evaluation team.
The administrator of the school website and English and Polish  teachers.
The school library.
English teachers.
The coordinator, the administrator of the school website and people writing project reports.
01.09.2015 or
Students and teachers meeting at school to inform the school community about the  Erazmus+ project.
Call for the new project participants.
Head teacher and a coordinator
Placing  the newest information about the project board bulletin in the main corridor.
The topics of the project are  included into the school’s  work plan and the school subjects syllabus are enriched with the project ideas;
English, Biology, Physics,
Chemistry, Mathematics, P.E.,
Technology ,ITC and Educational lesson.
Making the photo albums with the photographs  taken during the school l year 2015/2016.
The meeting with parents
Organising the School Open Day for all the students, parents and local inhabitants.
Recreating student' teams.
Placing the project schedule for project work on the board in the teacher room or a school corridor and on the school website.
The purchase of the needed materials for our project.
Placing project materials on the school website, blog and eTwinning site.
The third project meeting of the representatives of the partner schools(Assen in Holland).
Placing information about the project meeting on the school website, blog and eTwinning site.
Filling in the report on the work with the project.
The Students Council’s tutor
The teachers of the school subjects.
A coordinator.
Head teacher and
 a coordinator.
 Supervising teachers.
Dissemination team.
A coordinator,
secretary, an accountant.
English teachers, a coordinator.
Partner schools’ teachers, head teachers  and coordinators.
Coordinators and responsible teachers for the project.
Preparing leaflets or posters about bad results of burning rubbish(plastic) for students and local community.
Discussion about the reason for pollution and harmful influences burning rubbish on the environment.
Virtual students meeting on the Skype(Dutch and Polish, German, Turkish)
Additional English lessons for students before the international meeting in Holland.
Geography lesson about Holland and Assen.
Meeting with parents of the students going to Holland.
Art teachers and
dissemination team.
The whole school community.
Supervising teachers
English teachers
Geography teacher
Coordinator and supervising teachers
The international exchange-German, Dutch and Turkish students visit in Holland:
-educational trips,
-workshop about the healthy food and alternative energy,
-cooking lessons,
Placing photos and information about the short-term groups of students exchange on the school website, blog and eTwinning site.
Supervising teachers
Direct  participants
Participating teachers in the students’ mobility
Publish a new board bulletin with some information and pictures about  the short-term groups of students exchange in Assen.
Workshop about reasons for pollution.
Meeting with a food or energy producer.
Participants of the mobility.
Representative of the ecological organization , Biology, Geography, Chemistry and Physics teachers.
Workshops on the reasons for obesity and health problems among the youth with the Health Service employees.
Research for solving problems connected with health and environment pollution.
Meeting with a sportsman or sportswoman.
A coordinator  and supervising teachers.
Biology and Chemistry teachers.
P.E. teachers.
Short  work-linked training in Turkey.
Additional English lessons prepared students for travelling abroad.
 Additional Geography lesson about Germany, Hanover and Uetze.
 The meeting with the parents of students participating in the international mobility.
  Direct  participants
from partner schools
English teachers.
 Geography teacher.
 The tutors of the students.
The international exchange-German, Dutch and Turkish students visit in Uetze(Germany).
Collecting and sorting out the materials given by German teachers and writing the report on staying in German school.
Placing the information about the students exchange on the school website and on the eTwinning page.
Writing the article and sending it to the local press.
The tutors of students taking part in the mobility.
All the participants of the mobility.
Additional Mathematics lessons-calculating the project numbers and percentages.
 Short  work-linked training in Poland.
Report on the mobility and travelling account.
Placing the information about the teachers mobilities on the school website, blog  and on the eTwinning page.
Preparing the international brochure:”Live Healthily in a Healthy Environment” and a small project dictionary  with the words in  5 languages.
Gathering all of the materials produced during the international meetings (lessons scripts, multimedia presentations, printed materials and putting them in the school library.
Preparing and carrying out the surveys, interviews and questionnaires in order to assess the mobility impact  on  the educational resources or being introduced innovations and students attitudes towards their duties and knowledge of the project issues.
Preparing some  tests to check gained knowledge of  the school subjects connected with project topics.
Making photos albums from the mobility done in a school year 2016/2017.
Comparing eating and leisure habits of the partner schools’ students.
Maths teachers
Mobility participants.
Mobility participants with the dissemination team.
All the partner schools.
All the partner schools.
School library staff.
Evaluation teams.
The teachers of Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Technology,
English and PE.
Mobility participants.
The last project meeting in Turkey.
Summary of the teachers and students participation in the project.
Annual internal  evaluation report on the project tasks  done during a school year 2016/2017.
The summary article for the local newspaper and final gathering  all the project materials produced during the first year work with the project.
Placing some digital resources on the school, blog and eTwinning websites .
The end -of- year report
on  project work in the school year 2016/2017.
The end of the school year 2016/2017 conference of the  Teaching Staff-final summary of the school work with the project.
The coordinators of the project. 
The tutor of pupil government and form teachers. 
Evaluation team, coordinator and head teacher.
Dissemination team, English and Polish teachers.
School library staff.
A coordinator ,an administrator of the school website and  supervising teachers.
A coordinator and  supervising teachers.
The head teacher, a coordinator and teaching staff.

 4.Discussion the achieved results and the problems connected with  travelling to Turkey according to the uneasy political situation in the region.
5.The number of mobilities of the Dutch teachers.
Teachers Training Event in Turkey in October and the students exchange in November to Assen.
6.Workshop on the final visual look and contents of the main brochure of the project: “Live Healthily in a Healthy Environment” and the international project dictionary, which should include project vocabulary in four languages(English, Polish, German and Dutch).

7.Workshop on making comparisons between project schools’ students diet.
8.Arranging questions on the survey in order to compare the partners schools’ students eating habits and find out their favourite food and drinks. The results of the evaluation will help us to fill in the following tables;

The name of the school
The number of the meals a day
The time of the meals
The main food and drink eaten for breakfast
The main dishes eaten for midday meal
The main dishes eaten in the afternoon
The main dishes eaten for supper
Favourite food
Favourite drink
Disliked food or drink
Zespół Szkolno-Przedszkolny in Juszczyna
Gymnasium Unter Den Eichen In Uetze
dr.Nassau College Penta in Assen
Bedriye ve Kadir Uysal Ortaokulu in Uşak

 9.Work in groups: creating  the survey for students and teachers on their diet/eating habits.
10.Assignation the tasks to each partner school.
11.Final discussion.
After the workshops the participants of the third project meeting went on a tour of the Datch school as some of them had not been to Assen yet.


                                                 The second day of stay in Assen
All the participants of the project meeting went to do some sightseeing in the nearest region. They were riding their bikes and admired the beauty of the Dutch countryside.

In the late afternoon we gathered around the table in the restaurant, which we noticed on the way and tried the regional dishes.

On our way to the airport in Eindhoven we stopped in Utrecht and went on a short tour of the beautiful and old city.
Utrecht  is the capital and most populous city in the Dutch province of Utrecht. It is located in the eastern corner of the Randstad conurbation and is the fourth largest city in the Netherlands with a population of 330,772 in 2014.
Utrecht's ancient city centre features many buildings and structures several dating as far back as the High Middle Ages. It has been the religious centre of the Netherlands since the 8th century. It lost the status of prince-bishopric but remains the main religious center in the country. Utrecht was the most important city in the Netherlands until the Dutch Golden Age, when it was surpassed by Amsterdam as the country's cultural centre and most populous city.
Utrecht is host to Utrecht University, the largest university in the Netherlands, as well as several other institutions of higher education. Due to its central position within the country, it is an important transport hub for both rail and road transport. It has the second highest number of cultural events in the Netherlands, after Amsterdam. In 2012, Lonely Planet included Utrecht in the top 10 of the world’s unsung places.