czwartek, 29 grudnia 2016

Poster "And you have an impact on the purity of the air we breathe!"

Due to  information from the WHO (World Health Organization) that Zywiec is the most polluted town of the European Union, our school joined the action to stop  burning garbage in domestic heating systems. In this way we want to contribute to better quality of the air in our area.
The garbage burning is still a big problem in our beautiful region. During the heating season you can often not only  see from the chimneys but smell  burning rubber or other garbage.
           Our school announced a contest for a poster titled "And you have an impact on the purity of the air we breathe!" The students have done over a dozen posters The best poster was chosen. It was  the work of Klaudia from class III a 
as it depicted the problem in the most interesting way.
Students' posters

The best project

The  frame containing information about our project Erasmus +  "Live Healthy in a Healthy Environment" was added to it. The poster was printed in 15 copies and arranged on information boards in the community Radziechowy-Wieprz.

Posters on the information boards

We hope that through this poster we will get to a wide number of people and convince  them that they also have an impact on the surrounding air.

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