środa, 7 września 2016

Project Evaluation

          The evaluation results of the first year of the project:
      Live Healthily in a Healthy  Environment”
According to the answers to the questions of the surveys carried out among the pupils and teachers, discussions, observations and checking the schools registers and the other schools’ and project documents, we can state that the topics of our project were included into the school curriculum and school timetable. The teachers of the following school subjects: English, Chemistry, Physics, ITC, Mathematics, Civic, Biology, Geography, PE, Educational Lesson, were working on the project topics and vocabulary during their lessons.
Students and teachers participated in some additional lessons and workshops connected with the project, fitness tests, multimedia presentations, international meetings, lectures given by dietitian and the employee of the forestry management and in the educational trips in their countries and in Turkey and Poland. Some meetings with the local inhabitants, parents and representatives of the local council were organized in a school and the Culture Centres.
Six mobilities were organized during the school year 2015/2016.There were:
-two project meetings- in Poland and Germany,
- two short-term exchanges of the groups of students-in Poland and Turkey,
-two short-term professional training for teachers in Holland and Germany.

Direct and indirect participants of the project were able to find information connected with the project on the school websites, project blog, in the school newsletters and local newspapers. They received information about the project issues during school meetings and different lessons from the coordinator of the project, head teachers, English teachers, form tutors, their colleagues or classmates.
The whole school community were involved into the project work. Each planned activity was completed. All the students and teachers, who were participating in the questionnaires, knew the names of partner schools and their nationality and enriched their knowledge of the partner countries. Students involved directly into the project improved their skills at English. They became more open-minded towards foreigners and other culture and traditions. They willingly engaged into project activities and mobilities and their interests in the world increased.
More students took part in the PE lessons, other sports activities and additional English, Maths and Science lessons in the school year 2015/2016 than in the previous school year 2014/2015.
The students got better marks in the second term than in the first one.
Most teachers and pupils will recommend similar project for other schools, assess well their participating in it and have seen some advantages for themselves and the others. The both group of the school community changed their attitudes towards their duties and their schoolmates or other employees. They enriched their knowledge of the ecological issues and healthy lifestyle.
The results of the evaluation connected with numbers will be used during the Mathematics lessons in the school year 2016/2017.



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