The schedule for
the third project meeting
in Assen- a Dutch
school-dr.Nassau College Penta22.09-23.09.2016
the new partner schools’ teachers, who had come to the meeting.
of the 2015/2016 school year completed project tasks by each partner school.3.Presentation of the timetable planned for the following school year 2016/2017.
The activity
The responsible
people for the activity
The teacher staff
meeting to discuss the project issues.
The teachers are
informed about the planning project
1.Arrange the plan
for the project needs.
2.Assigning the
project tasks to the teachers.
3.Recreating the
project’s teams:
-coordination and
- evaluation,
-gathering the project’s
-translating(for the
blog and eTwinning needs),
-to keep
documentation and publication materials about project’s events.
All the school
A coordinator and a
head teacher
An evaluation team.
The administrator of
the school website and English and Polish
The school library.
English teachers.
The coordinator, the
administrator of the school website and people writing project reports.
01.09.2015 or
Students and
teachers meeting at school to inform the school community about the Erazmus+ project.
Call for the new
project participants.
Head teacher and a
Placing the newest information about the project board
bulletin in the main corridor.
The topics of the
project are included into the school’s
work plan and the school subjects
syllabus are enriched with the project ideas;
English, Biology, Physics,
Chemistry, Mathematics,
Technology ,ITC and
Educational lesson.
Making the photo
albums with the photographs taken
during the school l year 2015/2016.
The meeting with
Organising the
School Open Day for all the students, parents and local inhabitants.
Recreating student'
Placing the project
schedule for project work on the board in the teacher room or a school
corridor and on the school website.
The purchase of the
needed materials for our project.
Placing project
materials on the school website, blog and eTwinning site.
The third project meeting
of the representatives of the partner schools(Assen in Holland).
Placing information
about the project meeting on the school website, blog and eTwinning site.
Filling in the
report on the work with the project.
The Students
Council’s tutor
The teachers of the
school subjects.
A coordinator.
Head teacher and
a coordinator.
Dissemination team.
A coordinator,
secretary, an
English teachers, a
Partner schools’ teachers,
head teachers and coordinators.
Coordinators and
responsible teachers for the project.
Preparing leaflets
or posters about bad results of burning rubbish(plastic) for students and
local community.
Discussion about the
reason for pollution and harmful influences burning rubbish on the
Virtual students
meeting on the Skype(Dutch and Polish, German, Turkish)
Additional English
lessons for students before the international meeting in Holland.
Geography lesson
about Holland and Assen.
Meeting with parents
of the students going to Holland.
Art teachers and
dissemination team.
The whole school
Supervising teachers
English teachers
Geography teacher
Coordinator and
supervising teachers
international exchange-German, Dutch and Turkish students visit in Holland:
about the healthy food and alternative energy,
Placing photos and
information about the short-term groups of students exchange on the school
website, blog and eTwinning site.
Direct participants
teachers in the students’ mobility
Publish a new board
bulletin with some information and pictures about the short-term groups of students exchange
in Assen.
Workshop about
reasons for pollution.
Meeting with a food
or energy producer.
Participants of the
Representative of
the ecological organization , Biology, Geography, Chemistry and Physics
Workshops on the
reasons for obesity and health problems among the youth with the Health
Service employees.
Research for solving
problems connected with health and environment pollution.
Meeting with a
sportsman or sportswoman.
A coordinator and supervising teachers.
Biology and
Chemistry teachers.
P.E. teachers.
Short work-linked training in Turkey.
Additional English
lessons prepared students for travelling abroad.
Direct participants
from partner schools
English teachers.
The international
exchange-German, Dutch and Turkish students visit in Uetze(Germany).
Collecting and
sorting out the materials given by German teachers and writing the report on
staying in German school.
Placing the
information about the students exchange on the school website and on the
eTwinning page.
Writing the article
and sending it to the local press.
The tutors of
students taking part in the mobility.
All the participants
of the mobility.
Mathematics lessons-calculating the project numbers and percentages.
work-linked training in Poland.
Report on the
mobility and travelling account.
Placing the
information about the teachers mobilities on the school website, blog and on the eTwinning page.
Preparing the
international brochure:”Live Healthily in a Healthy Environment” and a small
project dictionary with the words
in 5 languages.
Gathering all of the
materials produced during the international meetings (lessons scripts, multimedia
presentations, printed materials and putting them in the school library.
Preparing and
carrying out the surveys, interviews and questionnaires in order to assess
the mobility impact on the educational resources or being introduced
innovations and students attitudes towards their duties and knowledge of the
project issues.
Preparing some tests to check gained knowledge of the school subjects connected with project
Making photos albums
from the mobility done in a school year 2016/2017.
Comparing eating and
leisure habits of the partner schools’ students.
Maths teachers
participants with the dissemination team.
All the partner
All the partner
School library
Evaluation teams.
The teachers of
Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Technology,
English and PE.
The last project meeting in Turkey.
Summary of the
teachers and students participation in the project.
Annual internal evaluation report on the project tasks done during a school year 2016/2017.
The summary article
for the local newspaper and final gathering
all the project materials produced during the first year work with the
Placing some digital
resources on the school, blog and eTwinning websites .
The end -of- year
on project work in the school year 2016/2017.
The end of the school
year 2016/2017 conference of the
Teaching Staff-final summary of the school work with the project.
The coordinators of the project.
The tutor of pupil
government and form teachers.
Evaluation team,
coordinator and head teacher.
Dissemination team, English
and Polish teachers.
School library
A coordinator ,an
administrator of the school website and
supervising teachers.
A coordinator
and supervising teachers.
The head teacher, a
coordinator and teaching staff.
Teachers Training Event in Turkey in October and the students exchange in November to Assen.
6.Workshop on the final visual look and contents of the main brochure of the project: “Live Healthily in a Healthy Environment” and the international project dictionary, which should include project vocabulary in four languages(English, Polish, German and Dutch).
7.Workshop on making comparisons between project schools’ students diet.
8.Arranging questions on the survey in order to compare the partners schools’ students eating habits and find out their favourite food and drinks. The results of the evaluation will help us to fill in the following tables;
The name of the school
The number of the meals a day
The time of the meals
The main food and drink eaten for breakfast
The main dishes eaten for midday meal
The main dishes eaten in the afternoon
The main dishes eaten for supper
Favourite food
Favourite drink
Disliked food or drink
Szkolno-Przedszkolny in Juszczyna
Gymnasium Unter Den Eichen In Uetze
College Penta in Assen
Bedriye ve Kadir Uysal Ortaokulu in Uşak
the tasks to each partner school.
After the workshops the participants of the third project meeting went on a tour of the Datch school as some of them had not been to Assen yet.The second day of stay in Assen
All the participants of the project meeting went to do some sightseeing in the nearest region. They were riding their bikes and admired the beauty of the Dutch countryside.
On our way to the airport in Eindhoven we stopped in Utrecht and went on a short tour of the beautiful and old city.
Utrecht's ancient city centre features many buildings and structures several dating as far back as the High Middle Ages. It has been the religious centre of the Netherlands since the 8th century. It lost the status of prince-bishopric but remains the main religious center in the country. Utrecht was the most important city in the Netherlands until the Dutch Golden Age, when it was surpassed by Amsterdam as the country's cultural centre and most populous city.
Utrecht is host to Utrecht University, the largest university in the Netherlands, as well as several other institutions of higher education. Due to its central position within the country, it is an important transport hub for both rail and road transport. It has the second highest number of cultural events in the Netherlands, after Amsterdam. In 2012, Lonely Planet included Utrecht in the top 10 of the world’s unsung places.