sobota, 28 listopada 2015

                                                         The First Project Meeting in Poland
        organised for coordinators and teachers participating in the Erazmus+project(2015-2017):
                                                      ”Live Healthily in a Healthy Environment”

Place of meeting:
Gimnazjum z Oddziałami Dwujęzycznymi in Juszczyna
Dates of meeting: 08-09.10.2015
The  teachers participating in the international  meetings:
Polish teachers: a head teacher-Katarzyna Syc, a coordinator-Edward Szczyrk,
an English teacher- Maria Zaor.
Other Polish teachers involved in  some project activities:
Irena Kulka, Barbara Olbromska, Tomasz Wnętrzak, Katarzyna Białek, Ewa Skoczeń, Monika Dyrlaga, Małgorzata Golec, Dorota Juraszek, Lucyna Hankus, Eryka Miodońska, Katarzyna Kaczorowska, ks.  Józef Pasternak.
The partner school teachers:
German teacher: Andrea Wundram
Dutch Teachers: Ellen Franken, Willem Borghuis, Menno den Hollander
Turkish teachers: Ali Ryza Tekinkaya, Mesut Bali,Uğur Oğuz KILIÇ
The schedule of the meeting:
The first part:
1.Lunch in a  school canteen.
2.Introduce participants( getting to know each other)and a short tour of Polish school building and the nearest area.
3.Presentation of the first project tasks done in each school;
-presentation of the main objects of the project,which had been already shown for parents,
-exchange of  experience and information about partner schools regions' ecological problems.
4.Making decision about the project logo and materials,which should be placed on the project blog and eTwinning website..
5.Organizational arrangements:
-assignment of tasks to the project  partners.
-planning the first  virtual partner schools' students meeting on the Internet(Skype),
-strategic planning for next months,
-discussing the  project activities for the school year 2015/2016.
The second part
The integration meeting with Polish school teachers-a coffee and tea break.
-partner schools’ students visit in Juszczyna;presenting the programme of the international exchange.,
-short-term professional teachers training in Uetze(Germany),
-partner schools students visit in Uetze,
 -accommodation for students and teachers during mobilities,
-the best way of travelling,
-mutual help during international visits,
-the security and insurance policy for participants.
6.Define the dates  of the planned  project activities.
7.Discussing the topics of the project added to school curriculum and additional Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English, PE lessons;
-define the topics for each school subject,
-discussing the  methods and tools needed for the implementation of the project issues,
-choosing English vocabulary for writing project dictionary.
8.Designing the first project leaflets or posters.
9.The ideas for preparing some  surveys and  questionnaires in order to carry them among students, teachers and  local inhabitants.
10. Questions and answers. Evaluation of the project meeting.

Maria Zaor

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