wtorek, 3 maja 2016

The second project meeting in Germany

The second project meeting in Germany


14-16 April 2016

All the coordinators and teachers involved directly in the project met in a school in Uetze.
They exchanged information and experiences, discussed the schedule of the project, talked about completed and planned activities and present the results of teams’ work from each partner school.

They talked about the completed actions and evaluation tools prepared and used by partner schools. Then a coordinator presented a timetable for the next project activities and teachers and students international workshops. They discussed the achieved results and their dissemination and impact on target groups.
Apart from that, Polish, Turkish and Dutch teachers with German teachers of Biology participated in a workshop done in the Schulbiologie Zentrum in Hannover.
The international group of teachers in Schulbiologie Zentrum in Hannover

                        Children are planting seeds. They are learning how to grow vegetables.
We are observing students, who are doing scientific research connected with water. They are checking water taken from the nearby ponds with using microscopes.
There are Polish, German, Turkish and Dutch teachers in the Schulbiology Zentrum’s garden
The picture made of colourful stones shows anatomy of a human being and there are different herbs are growing around. The task to be done is to find the suitable herbs for each organ in our body.

Mr. Jorg is coming by bike. He has been a wonderful host for us all and a very good guide of the tour of the Schulbiologie Zentrum in Hannover.
After the tour of the Schulbiologie Zentrum we went sightseeing to the city centre of Hannover. We saw there some interesting monuments and places.
                                               The view from the tower in Hannover